800 Robson St.
Vancouver, British Columbia

November Speaker Event: An Evening With Eco-Preneurs!

This unique, panel format, event will feature 5 successful, green, and engaging Ecopreneurs who will discuss their motivation, inspiration, and challenges faced in developing and growing a green business. Their views on the measurement of success; balancing social, economic, and ecological goals; and advice for new ecopreneurs will be something you don't want to miss! Panelists' presentations will be followed by moderated discussion with you, our audience. Featuring: Rocky Mountain Flatbread Company, Small Potatoes Urban Delivery (SPUD), Small Energy Group and Greenomics Corporation. Email info@cepvancouver.org to book your spot today.

Official Website: http://www.cepvancouver.org/index.php?L1=events.php

Added by browningbrooke on November 19, 2009

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