Being a CEO is highly desirable by many with promising financial compensation, responsibility and involvement in many areas and great personal growth perspectives.
What does it take to become a CEO in today's VC backed companies? What talents are required to get there? What do VCs, Angels and head hunters look for? What pressures are put on CEOs from their investors, board members, their employees, other constituencies and the global economy in general? What personal balance does it require to succeed at home and at the office?
To answer these questions and provide a road map, Growth Resources has gathered a panel of Silicon Valley experts. Learn from their experience and participate in the discussions.
The results of a survey of CEOs in VC backed companies will also be presented during the event. You too can participate by answering a short questionnaire about what kind of CEO you are already or on the way to be and the impact it has on your career and managerial skills.
Introduction: Marc Radcliffe, Partner, DLA Piper
Moderator: Chris Shipley, Executive Editor of DEMO Conferences and co-Founder of Guidewire Group
*** Shellye Archambeau, CEO, MetricStream
*** Kevin Barry, Managing Partner, Schweichler Price and Partners
*** Jim Lussier, General Partner, Norwest Venture Partners
*** George Northup, President & CEO, Auction Drop Inc.
*** Keith Raffel, former Founder and CEO of UpShot, Novelist and Entrepreneur
*** Geoff Roach, Business Angel, Keiretsu Forum
$45 General Public. $35 Affiliate Memb. $10+ for regist. @ the door.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on February 16, 2008