Professor Neil Maiden, Head of the Centre, requests the pleasure of your company to celebrate the new activities of the Centre for Human-Computer Interaction Design at City University London.
The Centre for Human-Computer Interaction Design is an independent Centre. Since its establishment in 1991 it has grown substantially, and its 25 staff now support a wide range of activities.
You are invited to attend an open day that will showcase all that the Centre has to offer, including:
FREE Seminars and tutorials given by both Centre staff and esteemed visitors including Dr Daria Loi (Intel), Gerry Duffy & Ronan Tighe (Foviance), AbilityNet, Marcus Mustafa (Lbi), and more.
Its state-of-the-art Interaction Lab, facilities and equipment, all of which are available for use (eye tracking, tabletop demonstrations, etc);
Its interaction design, evaluation and requirements consulting businesses, including results from demonstration projects;- New software tools and techniques resulting from our research that are also available for use;
Its Masters in Human-Centred Systems, now available in full-time and part-time modes;
Its collaborations with AbilityNet, the leading UK charity focused on helping people gain access to information technology, through new continuing professional development activities;
To register for the FREE Seminars and Workshops, please click on the below links and register for each particular event.
Playful Triggers, hybrid tools and anomalous artifacts: field tales on participatory and creative practice (Dr Daria Loi, Intel)
Practical Approaches to Lacroscopic Training with Haptics (Dr Dean Mohamedally & Dr Shabnam Parkar)
Keynote on Remote user testing (Gerry Duffy & Ronan Tighe, Foviance)
Making Ideas Happen (Marcus Mustafa, LBI)
Talk by Scott Weiss (HFI)
For tours of the Interaction Lab
you only need to register for this event by clicking register below, if
however you are interested in any of the above seminars/workshops or HCID Demonstations you
will need to register for these by clicking on the respective event links.
Room A207
Room A303
Interaction Lab
HCID Centre Demonstrations
Lab Tour
Creativity Tools to Discover Requirements
Keynote on Remote User Testing: Gerry Duffy & Ronan Tighe, Foviance
Use Online Diaries in Formative Evaluations
Mobile Tools for Modelling Requirements
Lab Tour
Supporting Creativity in Elders
Playful Triggers, hybrid tools and anomalous artifacts: Dr Daria Lio, Intel
Social Modelling
Practical Approaches to Lacroscopic Training with Haptics (Dr Dean Mohamedally & Dr Shabnam Parkar)
Work-based Learning Tools
Lab Tour
Making Ideas Happen: Marcus Mustafa, LBI
Lab Tour
Mobile Design Concepts for Transport for London: Scott Weiss, Human Factors International
Creativity Tools to Discover Requirements
Use Online Diaries in Formative Evaluations
Lab Tour
Mobile Tools for Modelling Requirements
Supporting Creativity in Elders
AbilityNet: Guidelines for Accessibility Testing
Social Modelling
Lab Tour
Work-based Learning Tools
This event is free to attend and welcomes people from all backgrounds, educational, commercial, public sector, all are welcome, please book early to avoid disappointment.
Detailed directions on how to find us can be found here
We look forward to seeing you there!
Centre for Human Computer Interaction, City Univerisity
Ticket Info: Centre for Human Computer Interaction Open Day, Free
Official Website: http://hcidopenevening-upcoming.eventbrite.com