FBCGT 1333 W. University Ave. Room 103 and 105 Georgetown, TX 78628
georgetown, Texas 78628

The Central Texas Boardgames Meetup Group

Do you love playing entertaining board games? Come out to play some new games and old favorites. Learn where other enthusiasts congregate online and face-to-face in the greater Austin area. Play the new style of easy-to-understand, full-participation, fun-to-play games that go beyond what you played as a child. Curious? Come out and learn about easy family games and more challenging strategic games. You may even find some gamers in your own neighborhood. If you want to host a game night at your house or you live in an apartment complex where we could use your clubhouse, click my picture and email me.Ever hear of wonderful games like Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, Power Grid, Puerto Rico, Tichu, or Tigris and Euphrates? Or are you an Outburst, Scattergories, Cranium, type of fan? Are you a Scrabble and Bogggle Fan? Either way, let's play! It's worth the drive!If you will never come and play games, please don't sign up. We're not just trying to collect a list of people here. If you are into coming out and having fun or participating on the message boards, don't hesitate. We want to play with you!

The Central Texas Boardgames July Meetup
Friday, July 13, 2007 at 6:30PM

Join us for our July Friday Meetup! We start at 6:30 and play till at least 9:30. We've had great fun at the last couple of meetups. There have been light, family-style strategy games, abstract games, dexterity games, card games, and word games. There's going to be something for everyone! Bring a friend. Don't be shy and put on a name tag when you come in. Feel free to bring one of your favorite games.Can new people come? We want you to come!What should we bring? Bring snacks to share and your own drinks. There is a soft drink machine if you prefer. You can bring one of your favorite games if you like but you don't have to since a lot of fun games will already be there. Oh, since this is a meeting at a church (let me know if you have a huge facility with great lighting and cheap childcare you'd like to open up for events and we can do a meet-up there) please refrain from Poker and alcohol. It is a non-smoking, non-alcoholic drinks facility as well.Childcare is different in the summer. Let us know the ages of your kids and we'll try to get a teenager to babysit and split the fee amongst the parents. If we only have a couple, we'll put the kids across the hall with a video and a video game.You'll have fun playing games and you'll meet a lot of people you can play games with outside of our meet-ups. Members usually attend from several local game groups. Check our About Us pages to learn more about local game groups and stores that host game nights.Look for the signs. We will be in rooms 103 and 105.Finding our room is confusing so if you haven't been check out the online photos that point to our room. Take exit 261 off Highway 35 and go west till you hit your first big church on the left. That's where the event will be. This is highway 29 and it will take you past the new Wolf Ranch shopping center and past a Chick-Fil-A, Cafe Ole, Quiznos, and a few other restaurants if you get hungry on the way.The game room is set up for adults only. See you there!

See the full event details, including location, at http://boardgames.meetup.com/360/calendar/5842694/.

Check out what members are saying about The Central Texas Boardgames Meetup Group:

"I'm really glad to be a part of it!!" - Vicki

"Everyone was friendly, welcoming, and down-to-earth." - Annie

"We try to be a very welcoming game group. We have games of all type and friendly gamers around who can help with the teaching of new games. We have enough gamers where we can usually have several games going on at the same time including word games. There are probably a lot of games at our events that people haven't heard of and most of them are quick and easy to learn." - John Gravitt

"An absolute evening of fun, thinking and laughter. Can't wait for the next (w)on(e)....." - kris

Official Website: http://boardgames.meetup.com/360/

Added by Daygamer on June 6, 2007

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