Central Park Walking Tour: The Jewel of New York City
NOTE: We'll meet at the "Golden" Statue across from the former Plaza Hotel.
How much do you really know about the most gorgeous patch of real estate in New York City? Not much right? You use the park all the time but do you know any of it's fascinating background. On this 2 hour walking tour we'll explore a part of this beloved jewel of New York City.
We'll take a stroll through Central Park and learn about its history, the people who created it and why the city needed this oasis. We'll visit some of the most beautiful areas of the park that attract New Yorkers and visitors from all over the world.
We'll pass the Zoo, the Delacorte Clock and the Dairy. We'll end up on "Literary Walk", the site of impromptu music sessions and the Band Shell. We'll learn about the Belvedere Fountain and what it's statute is dedicated too. We'll go through the "Ramble" and learn some of the geology of the park. Finally, we'll end our tour at the magnificent Belvedere Castle on Vista Rock overlooking "Turtle Pond."
WHEN: Sunday, September 30, 2007 at 1:00 PM
WHERE: Meet at the Golden Statue Across From The Former Plaza Hotel
WHO: AGES: 20s - 40s
COST: $30.00 Prepaid
Official Website: http://www.reallivepeopleparty.com/singles-parties/event1193.html
Added by NYCBNG and SBNG on September 18, 2007