The Central NC Pagan Pride Festival will be at the NC State Fair Grounds on September 19 & 20, 2008. General admission is free and we have an expected attendance of over 1000 based on past years' experience. Vendor Booth fees will go up as we get closer to the event. Also, space selection and special services will be based on purchase dates. Register now for the best price and location!
Information Booth: A limited number of free information booth spaces are available, so register early to reserve your space.
Vendor Booths: March5th untilMarch 20th(Returning Vendors Only)10x10 booth $6510x20 booth $100
Vendor Booths: March 21st until June 31st (Early Registration; Including New Vendors)10x10 booth $7510x20 booth $115
Vendor Booths: July 1st until August 31st (Regular Registration)10x10 booth $9010x20 booth $130
After September 1st, registrations arereservation only and acceptance must be confirmed via email prior to the actual event. Payment of Vendor booth fees must be paid in full on the first day of the event prior to setup.
Vendor Booths: September 1st until September 10th10x10 booth $10510x20 booth $150All spots are subject to availability. There is a limited number of spaces available for types of booths and products.
If you would prefer to pay by check, please send an email to me at
register@cncpaganpride.org or leave me a voice mail at +1-800-979-4423 to make arrangements.
Visit our website at
http://cncpaganpride.org/ for more information.
Organized by Central NC Pagan Pride ProjectThe Central NC Pagan Pride Project sponsors an annual festival with public Autumn Equinox rituals, Pagan workshops and demonstrations, music and entertainment, charity drives and much more every September.
Ticket Info: - Free Information Booth, Free
- Double Booth 10 x 20 - Returning Vendors, $100.00
- Single Booth 10 x 10 - Returning Vendors, $65.00
- Individual Sponsorship, $5.00
- Group Sponsorship, $75.00
- Group Logo Sponsorship, $150.00
- Commercial Sponsorship, $100.00
- Commercial Logo Sponsorship, $200.00
- Commercial Partnership, $500.00
- Overnight Accommodations (Per Person), $20.00
Official Website: http://cncppd2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com