Celtic Thunder a show created and produced by Sharon Browne, made its debut in the U.S. with public television special airing on local stations nationwide in March 2008. Filmed in Dublin the special features five male vocalists (ranging from 14-40 – Damian McGinty, Keith Harkin, Ryan Kelly, Paul Byrom, and George Donaldson performing an eclectic mix of songs, ranging from the traditional “Mountains of Mourne” and “Come By the Hills” to international hits such as “Brothers in Arms” and “Desperado,” as well as original compositions by CELTIC THUNDER’s legendary musical director and composer Phil Coulter.
Official Website: http://aeglive.com/tourdates.php?id=21545&detail_type=event
Added by AEG Live Concerts on February 13, 2009
High energy show. Precise harmony and performances. Truly diversified and talented Celtic talent - brilliantly melled into Celtic Thunder. Masterful violin, cello and percussion moments. Well worth seeing. Would definately want to have this group back in the area again.