A brand new comedy...
Written by Los Angeles based playwright John Trapper, this new work explores the question of love, loyalty and acceptance through a farcical, and ultimately bittersweet, portrayal of who would attend a gay man's wake when his socially repressed, long distance family is charged with planning the funeral.
About The Show
Peter Callahan was minding his own business looking for sex at the local gay cruise spot when Zackery Simon (who was doing the same thing) inadvertently ran over him with his SUV – twice!
Zackery flees the scene, leaving the difficult-to-identify corpse to be discovered. When Peter’s family, 3000 miles away is notified, his drunken, bitter mother reunites with her estranged, conservative sister to make the trip to put their loved one to rest. The two widowed women reminisce about their upbringing and begin to see each other anew.
As the two women make plans to memorialize Peter, the local Funeral Director (Salvatore), who is trying to find his own niche in the Hollywood Industry, excitedly assist the two in producing the grand story of Peter’s life. Salvatore, who cannot admit that people die, brings Peter back to life through what he believes to be high tech animatronics as the sisters prepare for a bizarre cast of characters parading through the “six feet under spa”.
Reserve ONLINE: www.plays411.com/cellphone
Friday's 8:00PM and 10:00PM
Saturday's 8:00PM and 10:00PM
Tickets: $22.00 - 8:00pm and $15.00 - 10:00PM
Official Website: http://www.plays411.com/cellphone
Added by PR4PLAYS on April 23, 2008