Join us for cocktails and dancing at the mansion, plus an auction and a way to jumpstart your Valentine's Day. This year we are raising funds for three IMPORTANT causes; the benefit will primarily support the Joy Nordenstrom Medical Fund, along with Pinups for Purpose and Site & Sound, both local nonprofits.
Joy Nordenstrom, a local entrepreneur and owner of Joy of Romance, Inc., has several medical challenges this year, including a brain tumor that required a life-altering 10-hour surgery. Happy to be on the other side of the stress of 2010, Joy has survived and after three months of recouping she will be ready to celebrate her physical ability to smile, an ability that was threatened by the removal of the tumor. In the business of helping individuals create passionate and thriving relationships, Joy works to make the world a more loving place. She now needs the love and support of her friends and colleagues to tackle some looming medical expenses.
Combining forces with two of Joy's favorite local nonprofits - Pinups for Purpose,and Site & Sound - this evening will be a fabulous way to support artists, entrepreneurs and women surviving life-threatening illnesses. Additionally, we will be promoting some fabulous vendors to inspire everyone in attendance to get sexy, creative and have fun on Valentine's Day.
Jump start your preparations for Valentine's Day -- fun, sexy vendors offering discounts with 25% of proceeds going to the Medical Fund + incredible auction items + raffle prizes
Auction items include: * A Gibson Guitar signed by several celebrities * Basket of Goodies from
Singles and Couples are welcome and will enjoy the festivities.
The night will include a "New Way to Screw" --come find out what this means
Dress theme -- Wear the color of health & well-being -- GREEN
Come ready to boogie on down -- DJ Jerry Ross spins 70's funk & R&B
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on January 9, 2011