15600 Mulholland Drive
Bel Air, California 90077

Throughout the day, more than 25 authors will make presentations,
participate in question-and-answer sessions, and sign books, including
Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Chabon, who will present and sign his
acclaimed new novel, The Yiddish Policeman’s Union. Other familiar faces
and names will include CNN’s Larry King, actor/author Kirk Douglas, Daniel
Handler (“Lemony Snickett”), Sammy the Spider author Sylvia Rouss,
best-selling author Judith Viorst, and Anita Diamant, author of
best-seller The Red Tent.

In addition to meeting these and many other high-profile authors and
taking home signed editions of their works, attendees can also browse
through thousands of titles for sale from Borders and Steimatzky Books at
the festival’s Oasis of Books tent.

Entertainment will include popular Disney children’s artist Ralph’s World,
the Lamb Chop Puppet Show, LA Israeli Dance Team & Keshet Chaim, Israeli
Dancing with David Dassa (no experience or partner required!), and the
rollicking six-piece Klezmer band, Injoy Orchestra. Kids and families can
also explore a life-sized replica of the secret attic that hid Anne Frank
and her family. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for kids.

Official Website: http://celebrationofjewishbooks.com

Added by nikojamison on November 6, 2007

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