This will be an event filled day with a Motorcycle Rally led by Gen. Tommy Franks, an Aviation Fly-In, a Parade, Carnival, Arts on the Square, Skeet Shoot, Softball Tournament, Quilt Show, Fishing Tournament, Bluegrass Music, and a Fireman's BBQ. All this will be capped of with a Concert by three time platinum recording artist and two time country music star Neal McCoy preforming live on a mega stage. In an attempt to show their appreciation to this countrys heroes, Hobart will be offering free concert tickets to all Active Duty Military, their dependants along with National Guard, Reserve, and all who have ever served in the millitary. For more information please go to ""
Official Website:
Added by Must4ng on March 11, 2009
I proudly rode in the rain with my man , for my brother Leonard West and Late Father (George Denver West ) both Army proud MEN!!!
This will be one of the best thing's and exciting here in town , Thank you General Tommy Franks , My brother Leonard West also served (Army ) in 67-68-69