839 Main Street
Redwood City, California 94062

Want to reclaim your passion?
Want to acknowledge your wholeness?
Want to celebrate the power that comes from knowing and expressing your self more fully?

You're invited to attend this full-day workshop for couples and singles

CELEBRATING THE MASCULINE & FEMININE is a journey towards wholeness. Join us for a day of playful exploration into the nature of who we are as men and women, masculine and feminine, strong and soft, active and passive. Expand your awareness of cultural and personal myths of the masculine & feminine so you can more consciously explore your own beautiful flow of these energies within.

You are invited to cross the threshold into the sacred space of deepening relationship with your masculine and feminine selves as well as your relationship with others. Through the use of yoga, dance, journaling, drawing, paired & group sharing, you can come to know yourself better, become more vibrant and alive in your body, and flow more easily between the multitude of masculine & feminine archetypes.


Valerie Sher, Ph.D. is the Director of the Center for the Divine Feminine and a mind-body wellness/relationship coach in Redwood City. http://www.centerforthedivinefeminine.com and http://embodiedhealingarts.com

Jim Benson's Awakened Masculine men's groups have helped hundreds of men make positive, lasting changes in their lives. He has been coaching men, women, and couples since 1998. http://www.jimbenson.net

Jackie Long, MA is a teacher of yoga and meditation and leads yoga retreats worldwide. She finds great inspiration from her own practice and from each of her students. http://www.yogawithlove.com

$150 before Feb. 10; $175 after Feb. 10.

Official Website: http://www.embodiedhealingarts.com/eventscal.html

Added by FullCalendar on January 26, 2008

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