Software Freedom Day 2008 will take place on Saturday, 20th of September 2008. Coincidentally, the majority of MySQL Developers will be in Riga, Latvia for an internal developer meeting around this day. To make use of this opportunity, we plan to give a number of sessions and presentations (all in English) about various topics and to contribute to this global celebration of Open Source Software. Marten Mickos, former CEO of MySQL AB, will also be there to give a presentation about "MySQL - Platform for the web economy". After the presentations, Sun will host a social event with free beer in the SAS Radisson Daugava in Riga.
Tentative schedule (45 minutes per session plus 15 minutes of Q&A)
* 11:00-12:00: MySQL/Open Source in Latvia (Leo Trukšāns - Linux Centre, Evijs Taube - LATA)
* 12:00-13:00: Open Source Business Models: how to build a business around free software (Speaker TBD)
* 13:00-13:30: Lunch Break / Ask the Guru your tech questions
* 13:30-14:30: MySQL in the Enterprise: Customer references, commercial offerings (Rob Young/Robin Schumacher, Sun Microsystems)
* 15:00-16:00: MySQL Community Overview: How to engage and contribute (Giuseppe Maxia/Jay Pipes/Lenz Grimmer, Sun Microsystems)
* 16:15-17:15: Building the open web, (Domas Mituzas, Wikimedia Foundation)
* 17:15-18:15: MySQL - Platform for the web economy (Mårten Mickos, Sun Microsystems)
* 19.30: Social event: Software demonstration, buffet and free beer in the SAS Radisson Daugava hotel.
Check out the home page for the latest schedule and further details!
Official Website:
Added by LenzGr on September 18, 2008