Rediscover MEN with compassion, understanding and the ability to get
what you need from them with less effort and more satisfaction for both
of you. This weekend workshop leaves women with a deep appreciation for
the natural synergy possible between the sexes. Rock your world
transform your relationship to men forever.
Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women
The workshop for women who want to know about men.
Getting what you most need and desire from men
Appreciating men and yourself more
Really understanding men and knowing how to communicate with them
Your relationships with men are transformed forever
Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women is your source for understanding
men and all the extraordinary results that makes possible. An intimate
workshop designed specifically for women to allow over 20 fascinating
topics to be absorbed beyond the conceptual level and integrated into
your life.
How does the workshop make such a difference in only one weekend?
The Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women workshop
teaches an exciting, proven approach to relationships based on a decade
of studying men. In two, information-filled days, Celebrating Men,
Satisfying Women presents a practical education in working with the
differences in women and men to create satisfying relationships.
The workshop works so quickly because it is designed specifically
for women how women listen, how women learn and how women love to
understand why things happen. As each of over 20 topics is covered,
participants apply the information to their past and present
relationships with men. Applied to the past, the material is
illuminating and miraculously healing. Applied to the present, the
workshop provides excellent alternatives that are simple to apply with
immediate and delightful results.
Fast-paced, intriguing, and surprisingly funny, the workshop
discussions provide a new understanding of the extraordinary abilities
of both women and men. Participants develop a deep appreciation for the
natural synergy and contribution possible between the sexes.
The workshop starts with revealing what causes the perpetual
frustrations women have with men. Enlightening and truly liberating,
women learn they can live and work with men without anger, resentment
or fear. Women are then able to discover men not in terms of women,
but as a distinct and unique gender. The Celebrating Men, Satisfying
Women workshop changes the way women see men. New responses and more
effective actions follow naturally.
Save $270 off the normal $445 tuition
a limited time, we are offering the Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women
for 60% off the usual $445 registration. This amazing weekend workshop
for women only is available for just $175 but you have to act
Bette & Michael Friedlander are training to become workshop
leaders for PAX Programs, the incredible team of women and men
responsible for these workshops. After eighteen months of study with
Alison Armstrong, we are now qualified to lead Celebrating Men,
Satisfying Women to small groups of women. Once we've completed this
part of our training, we will be full-fledged PAX workshop leaders
the first couple in the entire universe so qualified!
Q. Why are you charging only $175 when PAX Programs gets
A. The tuition is $175 instead of the usual $445 because we are
PAX leaders-in-training. The price works because there are no big hotel fees
(the workshop room is still roomy and the chairs are comfortable), but PAX has
established the $175 tuition to support our training. Weve been studying with
Alison Armstrong and other workshop leaders for 18 months and this is the last
phase before we lead to larger groups.
Q. Im not in/dont want a romantic relationship with a man,
why would I do this workshop?
A. Do you work with men? Do you interact with men? Do you ever
ask them to do anything for you? The workshop will transform ALL your
relationships with men. Youll get what you need without the stress of trying to
change them.
The workshop is for:
Women who work with men
Women who have sons
Single women who want committed relationships with a man
Single women who date, or who want to date, men
Women in relationships with men
Women who are married to a man
Q. Is it an entire workshop or are is something left out?
A. We present the entire Celebrating Men, Satisfying
Women workshop, just the way it was recently redesigned by Alison herself.
Its the full workshop, and runs from 10 AM to 6 PM on both Saturday and Sunday.
And yes, there will be a panel of men on Sunday, a feature of all the PAX
women-only workshops.
Q. Is it still for women only?
A. Yes, the workshop is designed for women only. PAX has co-ed
workshops, but this isnt one of them.
Organized by Bette & Michael FriedlanderThousands of women speak of their lives of before Celebrating Men and after Celebrating Men and so do their men. It is a privilege to have touched so many courageous women.
Alison Armstrong, Creator of the Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women workshop.
Bette and Michael Friedlander are part of the PAX Programs Leader Training Program. After eighteen months of study with Alison Armstrong, they are now qualified to lead Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women to small groups of women. Once they've completed this part of our training, they will be full-fledged PAX workshop leaders the first couple in the entire universe so qualified!
Ticket Info: For Women Only, $175.00
Official Website: http://cmswmay2009ny-upcoming.eventbrite.com