Hey, Philly. WE DID IT! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! And we'll do it on Election Day, too! This is the last One Nation GOTV Thursday (FREE). Join PA Women for Obama/African American Women for Obama, Philly South Fighters for Obama and other Obama supporters. Wear your mask in recognition of "The McCain/Palin Masquerade" (be creative). Come participate in citywide GOTV and Voter Protection sign-ups. We need EVERYBODY to win, and we do plan to win BIG! Drink specials and free buffet. This is our last Thursday PUSH before the weekend blitz - thanks for all the support! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! All fans are welcome! Wear your PHILLIES gear, or come just as you are. Come, let's "Turn It Up" a notch and prepare to "Turn It Out" on Election Day!
Be a part of history. Strategize, mobilize, energize - spread the word. Thanks, Warmdaddy's - for all you've done and continue to do to help "BARACK THE VOTE!" PLAN TO "WORK THE PARADE."
Official Website: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gpvy42
Added by MyBO on October 25, 2008