In The Man Behind the Nose: Assassins, Astronauts, Cannibals, and Other Stupendous Tales (Releasing August 17, Igniter Books/Harper Collins), the moving biography from the late Larry "Bozo" Harmon, Larry and co-author Thomas Scott McKenzie recall some pretty crazy tales about America’s most iconic and beloved clown:
· Did you hear the one about when Bozo ran for President and survived two assassination attempts?
· How about the time Bozo flew into the perilous jungles of New Guinea to see if he could not just survive but actually bond with dangerous cannibal tribes?
· Well then, you must know about the time his size 83 AAA shoes saved him from being swallowed whole by a giant, murderous python in Thailand, right?
· Did you know there was a 10-year waitlist for tickets for the Bozo television show?
Special guests: Mrs. Larry Harmon, wife of the late Larry Harmon, and co-author Thomas Scott McKenzie.
We will feature Bozo memorabilia and maybe even play The Grand Prize Game!
Added by lcoevents on August 12, 2010