Do you want to enjoy an evening unlike anything you have ever experienced? Six Step Study groups are completing their one year commitment in Step Study! They have all experienced something very special in their life...and some of them want to share it with you!! You will hear 2 minute testimonies from men and women who have experienced incredible life change and can't wait to tell YOU about it!
They will tell you how they were BEFORE Step Study... how they are NOW...and how they plan to give back to others. The evening will begin with good 'ole fashioned BBQ starting at 6pm. If it is your first time visiting Celebrate Recovery your meal is free! Invite someone to come with you...we all have a hurt, habit, or hang up.. if our heart is still beating!
The children K4 - 5th grade can attend Celebration Station while you are at Celebrate Recovery.. and there will be childcare for the younger children. You must be over 18 years of age to attend Celebrate Recovery.
This will be an awesome night of praise and worship with our Celebrate Recovery Band and Praise team... prior to hearing testimonies that will have you wondering if the same miracles they have experienced in their lives...could happen to you? The answer is YES!
If you desire..YOU will have the opportunity to sign up for our upcoming NEW Step Studies beginning with a Women's Study on Tuesday mornings Sept. 7, from 9:30 - 11:30am or our Wed. evening Step Studies for both Men & Women beginning on Sept. 8 from 6:30 - 8:30pm. If you attend our Open House you will be blessed...that's a promise. For more information, please contact Stephanie Johnston, Celebrate Recovery Director at her email:
Official Website:
Added by CR-ERIC on March 15, 2010