522 Valencia St.
San Francisco, California 94110

Poster Exhibit - Book Release Party - Artist Panel

CELEBRATE PEOPLE’S HISTORY: the Poster Book of Resistance and Revolution
Edited by Josh MacPhee
Foreword by Rebecca Solnit
Published by the Feminist Press

7pm - Saturday Nov. 20
The Center for Political Education
522 Valencia St, SF, HYPERLINK "http://www.politicaleducation.org" www.politicaleducation.org
Contact: HYPERLINK "mailto:CelebratePeoplesHistory@gmail.com" CelebratePeoplesHistory@gmail.com

Since 1998, Celebrate People’s History posters have documented feminist organizers, indigenous uprisings, civil rights leaders, union struggles, LGBT activism and much more. Bay Area history stands out with posters on Los Siete de la Raza, the 1969 Alcatraz occupation, the International Hotel and the 1966 transgender riot at Compton’s Cafeteria. The Feminist Press has just released over 100 posters in hardback, and the book’s West Coast premiere includes a poster exhibit, book signing and artist panel.

Featured Speakers:
Lincoln Cushing, historian, HYPERLINK "http://www.docpopuli.org" www.docspopuli.org
Favianna Rodríguez, artist, HYPERLINK "http://www.favianna.com" www.favianna.com

FREE admission. Donations go to MacPhee’s partner, Dara Greenwald, who is battling cancer.

Added by RussellH on November 9, 2010

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