Celebrate and Defend Social Security on its 75th Birthday
Saturday, August 14th, from 11 AM to 1 PM
At the New Federal Building, 7th and Mission Streets, SF.
Join the California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA) and the San Francisco Central Labor Council to celebrate and defend America's most successful social program. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are under severe attack by business groups, deficit hawks, and the Obama administration. Social Security, the longest established and most financially secure of these programs, is under particular attack, with media promoting lies such as Social Security being the verge of collapse, draining the national treasury, and providing bloated benefits to undeserving seniors.
The facts of Social Security are: (1) Its benefits have already been entirely paid by workers’ payroll taxes. (2) It has a $2.5 billion surplus. (3) If nothing were done, it could pay full benefits until 2037, and 75% benefits afterward. (4) If higher incomes were subjected to payroll taxes, it could pay full benefits indefinitely. (5) The majority of seniors, disabled people, and surviving spouses are dependent on Social Security, particularly minorities and women.
Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are under immediate threat because (1) the President’s Fiscal Commission on the Deficit, heavily stacked against these programs, is due to make its recommendations to Congress the first week in December 2010, and (2) Congress has promised to prioritize an up-or-down vote the Commission’s recommendations without amendment. So Social Security celebrates its 75th birthday under fire.
This event is (1) to give the truth about Social Security, the most successful social program in the US for seniors, people with disabilities, kids, and low-income families, (2) to warn these communities of the dangers that Social Security faces, and (3) to mobilize these communities to pressure Obama’s Deficit Commission and Congress to not privatize Social Security, reduce its benefits, or raise its retirement age.
Representatives of Bay Area US Congresspersons and US Senators are invited to hear our message, and respond. Similar events are planned for Fresno, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
Added by mlyon01 on July 22, 2010