What is Taking Action?
Taking Action is CCYs annual conference that empowers youth and youth advocates with strategies to create change that improves the lives of youth throughout California. Its your chance to come to our state's capital to share ideas, energy and experiences with transition-age youth, youth-serving programs and youth advocates from throughout California.
Who should attend?
* Transition Age Youth (ages 16-24)
* Executive Directors
* Youth Advocates
* Street Outreach Workers
* Shelter Staff
* Counselors
* Case Managers
What happens at Taking Action?
Taking Action is full of many things to do and experience. This years conference features:
* Dynamic Youth Speakers
* Advocacy Training
* Youth Art Gallery
* Awards Dinner honoring Youth & Youth Advocates
* YouthSpace
* Workshops lead by Youth & Adults
* Elections to the CCY Board of Directors
* A March to the State Capitol
* Youth Forum
Dont know what some of these things are? Come to Taking Action to find out!
Organized by California Coalition for YouthThe California Coalition for Youth (CCY) is a statewide grassroots nonprofit organization that serves disconnected youth ages 12-24 throughout the state. Our mission is to improve and empower the lives of Californias youth.
Our vision is that every youth in California is connected to the services, resources, support and programs that they need to have successful lives. The Coalition acts as a voice for youth by advocating for public polices, programs, and services that respect, empower, and protect the rights of all youth.
Ticket Info: - Youth, $51.25
- Youth Scholarship Recipient, $51.25
- Adult Presenter*, $153.75
- Adult Member*, $205.00
- Adult Non-Member, $281.88
- Monday-Only, $128.12
Official Website: http://takingaction2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com