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4) The headlines read $250,000 first year income potential. Type in almost any keyword about making money online or a homebased business and you will have two, three or more of these "carbon copy" ads to choose from. What is Carbon Copy Pro? Who is Jay Kubassek?
Jay is currently part of the executive committee of Wealth Masters International. He has had internet success in the last three years and has established Carbon Copy Pro as "the" system to automate wealth generation online. Basically, the Carbon Copy Pro system acts as a funnel to generate leads into Wealth Masters International. While this company has some marketing power and name recognition, with a base sticker price of $1995 - $19995 the average person will not become a part of this opportunity.
When it comes to making money through a home based business you have to do a lot of research to discover who is doling out a load of false statistics and who is actually making a profit from the business they are promoting. The secret is to sift the fact from the hype. Carbon copy Pro does just that for you presents you with facts and leaves you to decide.
So what is Carbon Copy Pro? This is an automated marketing system created by some of the very brains that drive Wall Street. You are required to buy yourself a financial course what will teach you all you need to know about internet marketing. You will get a copy of a web template that will sell products of a company called Wealth Masters International. The marketing of the product is done for you by Carbon Copy Pro and you get as much as 8000 dollars when someone buys the product, sounds dicey but it works!
Tags: ccpro, cc pro, Carbon Copy Pro Team, Jay Kubassek, WMI Jay Kubassek, Jay Kubassek Carbon Copy Pro, Wealth Masters International Jay Kubassek, WMI Carbon Copy Pro, WMI, WMI Carbon Copy, Wealth Masters International Carbon Copy, WMI Carbon Copy, Carbon Copy Pro, Wealth Masters International, home based business, online marketing, network marketing
Added by ccpro on March 17, 2009