4029 Due West Road NW
Marietta, Georgia 30064

Children ages 3- 8 are invited to ‘Be Creative @ Your Library!’ where free summer programs will be held from June 4 through July 30 on Thursdays from 10 – 11 a.m. at the Kemp Memorial Library. The programs are part of the Cobb County Public Library System summer reading program. Each, one-hour program involves a demonstration and activity (supplies provided). The Kemp Memorial Library is located on 4029 Due West Road, NW in Marietta. For information call 770-528-2527. The program schedule is as follows:

June 4: Enjoy the ‘Brooke ’n Branch Puppet Show’ of the Cobb County Water System. The story features a little girl on an adventure to learn about water and demonstrates how each person can help the environment. The program includes a craft project following the show.

June 11: Enjoy puppet plays with the Cobb County Fire Department. The puppet plays include fire safety tips.

June 18: Create Treasures from Trash with ‘Keep Cobb Beautiful.’ Attendees can create crafts from recyclables.
June 25: Taking care of Friends: The Cobb County Humane Society presents tips on taking care of the family pets.

July 2: Fun at the Library: Make red, white and blue balloons animals. Enjoy face painting and games to celebrate the Fourth of July.

July 9: ‘How Big is Your Imagination?’ Storyteller Barbara Moroney presents “How Big is Your Imagination?” Children learn about using imagination using stories, books, songs, poetry, and puppetry.
July 16: ‘Communication through Music’ with the Cobb County 4-H Youth Club. Children learn interactive ways to communicate through body language, music, and sights and sounds. Connecting musical sounds to certain body movements’ help children learn to communicate to one another.

July 23: ‘Healthy and Happy’ Parents and children can learn about asthma during a program by a public health educator. Gain awareness and learn warning signs. Attendees can also get tips on dealing with asthma. This event includes a Sesame Street Asthma Video and activities

July 30: “Create a creature:’ Art Station- Big Shanty staff demonstrate and work with children to create a craft creature (Supplies provided).

Official Website: http://www.cobbcat.org

Added by ccpls on May 7, 2009

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