Please print your order confirmation when you receive it in your email inbox, to bring it to the event. Including your tournament confirmation. (if that applies to you)
Pre registered attendees will be charged$15at the door.
Non registered attendees will be charged$20at the door.
Tournaments are$5additionaldollars per personat the door.
For tournament entry, please put team name, or for singles tournaments your own name in the first name box, and your Team mates', and your own names in the Last name box, IN THE TICKET FIELD.
Payment does not occur on this site. This page is used only to pre-register so we can be ready for you when you get there. Your fees and printed order confirmation will be due at the front desk of the event.
To make things easier, you can register your friends too by just adding to the quantity of pre-register tickets.
When you arrive, please go to the concierge to give your printed order confirmation, and sign in to pay your fees.
If entering a tournament, It is required that you preregister for a general admission ticket, AND your tournament ticket. 2 seperate tickets. Only one pre-register ticket is needed for a team.
For example, 4 people enter as a team. They all have to get general admission tickets, as well as one pre registration ticket for the tournament for all of them. Only one. Decide which one of your mates will do it. =]
NOTE: The tournaments will already be set up equipment wise. You dont need to bring anything just to be in the tournament.
For full information on this LAN Party,PLEASE go to:
Organized by Chip Chip Churrahwww.chipchipchurrah.com
Ticket Info: - Pre Register - General, Free
- Pre Register - Call of Duty 4 Tournament Team of 4, Free
- Pre Register - Counter Strike Source Tournament (1 Person), Free
- Pre Register - Gears of War 2 Tournament Team of 4, Free
- Pre Register - Halo 3 Tournament Team of 2, Free
- Pre Register - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournament (1 Person), Free
- Pre Register - Madden NFL 09' Tournament (1 Person), Free
- Pre Register - Rock Band 2 Tournament Full Band, Free
Official Website: http://chipchipchurrah-upcoming.eventbrite.com