Catch Fire: How to Ignite Your Own Economy, by Douglas Nelson. Limited time FREE ebook, visit
International trainer, entrepreneur, and author, Doug has a unique story. He grew up in rural Wisconsin and Minnesota, United Stated, without running water. Several years, and successful businesses later, he retired at the age of 34 and began enjoying a laid back life. At the age of 35 he was in a natural gas explosion. Six weeks in a coma and then a year of rehab changed Doug's outlook on life and helped to shape his current mission and purpose.
Doug believes that we ALL have gifts but if we don't use them, we will lose them. He realized he had a gift for business when, during the nine months it took to fully recover from the accident, he never ONCE worried about money. Once he realized that he was in a VERY unique position, being the ONLY one in the burn unit with only ONE worry instead of two, he decided right then to share with as many people as possible his expertise and gifts.
BONUS inside the Catch Fire eBook, $995.00 value!!
Official Website:
Added by MotiCharms on May 31, 2012