1855 Main St
Santa Monica, California 90401

Up to 300+ pedigreed cats and kittens to see, as well as everyday pet cats! Sit and watch cats on the judging table, or walk around and visit with the cats between judgings. There will be eight judging rings going on concurrently both days. No matter what time you arrive you're bound to see your favorite breed being judged in four active rings. Breeds include: Abyssinian, Somali, Burmese, Siamese, Cornish Rex, Persian, Ocicat, Maine Coon, Himalayan and up to 20+ more.

Visit the many awesome vendors offering everything from cat trees to fine art to the best cat toys!

Interested in entering your kitty? Want to learn more about the show? Email us at santamonicacatshow@catsla.com. This is a fun and educational event; we look forward to seeing you there!

Official Website: http://www.catsla.com

Added by lmkuta on August 2, 2012

Interested 1