Up to 400+ pedigreed cats and kittens to see, as well as everyday household pet cats. Breeds include: Maine Coon, Abyssinian, Burmese, Siamese, Cornish Rex, Persian, Ocicat, Himalayan and up to 20+ more. This show features an agility competition, watch cats race through the course against the clock. All cats are scheduled to be judged both days. No matter when you come you're bound to see your favorites!
There will also be booths with cat toys, premium cat food, fantastic cat trees, condos, scratching posts and unique cat-related apparel and gift items for sale. Want to learn more about the show? Email us at oregoncats@catsla.com. This is a fun and educational event; we look forward to seeing you there!
Adults: $8
Children: $5
Children under 7: Free
Seniors (65+)/Handicapped: $5
Family: $20
Click here for a printable coupon for $3 off: http://www.catsla.com/oregon/oregoncatscouponup.html
Official Website: http://www.catsla.com/oregon?up
Added by lmkuta on January 23, 2010