CASCON 2006 Workshops - provide a forum to present, discuss, and debate issues, problems, ideas, emerging technologies, work-in-progress, or directions on topics of interest listed in the Call for Papers.
Interdisciplinary workshops and those that demonstrate collaboration between industry and academia are particularly encouraged.
The workshop format may include position papers, expert panels, hands-on exercises, and discussions.
The Workshop Committee will review each workshop proposal.
Acceptance will be based on an evaluation of the workshop's potential for
generating useful results,
the timeliness and expected interest in the topic, and the organizers'
ability to lead a successful workshop.
Workshop proceedings will be published on the CASCON website.
Please go to for instructions and important dates.
You must register for CASCON before submitting a proposal.
The deadline for proposal submissions is Friday July 7th.
Attendance and participation at CASCON is free of charge
Official Website:
Added by davidcrow on June 28, 2006