Chemically Imbalanced Comedy presents the Midwest Premier of Steve Yockey's 'Cartoon.' an new musical comedy. Join the exploits of a band of mismatched cartoon stereotypes on a wild ride through this animated world, 'Cartoon' is a devilishly violent social commentary that explores the rapid coalescence of media, politics and consumer giants. A young, idealistic upstart named Trouble steals the giant hammer that Esther, the bratty dictator, uses to maintain a monotonous but peaceful order. Chaos ensues. Bombs explode. Puppets are set free. Anime girls fight. And as the bodies pile up, the violence begins to creep off the stage and into the audience. 'Cartoon' features music by CIC resident artist Jay Gish, story by Steve Yockey, and is directed by Angie McMahon.
Added by Upcoming Robot on April 2, 2009