We are organising a positive direct action called "CarrotMob". It's a fun community action which rewards businesses that become more energy efficient. The concept is to take several businesses in a community and find the one prepared to invest the most in improving their energy efficiency. We then all flashmob the business at the agreed time to buy stuff we need from them! The business then spends the agreed percentage of revenue it took during the CarrotMob on replacing appliances with more energy-efficient models. Everybody wins! :)
The first ever UK CarrotMob will be in the winning pub in the London Old Street area on Tuesday September 16th. Sign up now at http://www.CarrotMobUK.org!
The website also allows you to get email alerts of CarrotMobs in your area and create and advertise your own. Feel free to email me directly if you have any questions or comments.
Official Website: http://www.carrotMobUK.org
Added by Annesley Newholm on September 4, 2008