( Carmel , Indiana ) - The Carmel Police Department will be conducting the 2nd annual Teen Academy this summer. This free academy will be available for one week in June and one week in July (June 11th-15th and July 9th-13th) at the Carmel High School . The classes run from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm daily and you must be at least 13 years old to participate. The academy includes law enforcement type training that will allow teens to better understand how law enforcement works. Each day will begin with physical fitness training. Students will then attend classroom training followed by practical hands on skills to reinforce the lesson of the day.
The purpose of the academy is for teens to better understand police officers and to strengthen the relationship between the police department and the community. Officers will teach blocks of instruction on various topics such as defensive tactics, building searches, traffic stops and emergency vehicle operation. Students will have classroom instruction as well as practical “role play” training each day.
For more information or to enroll in the Teen Academy , contact Sgt. Nancy Zellers at the Carmel Police Department at 317-571-2551.
Official Website: http://www.ci.carmel.in.us/CPD/police.html
Added by Pendleton-Gazette on May 16, 2007