"Caring for Dying: the art of being present" will screen at the St. John's Parish, 5555 Clayton Road, Clayton, Sunday, November 8th at 6:30 pm. Selected best documentary at the 2008 Poppy Jasper Film Festival, the film examines the art and ache of accompanying the dying. It is the second in a four-part film series on death and transformation: "Secrets Of Life And Death." Seeking guiding principles for successful caregiving, the filmmaker discovers a recipe for forgiveness. Filmmaker Dr. Peticolas will be present following the screening for a thought-provoking discussion on caring for the dying. For more information about the film: www.secretsoflifeanddeath.com or call 925-672-8855. Suggested donation $10. Wheelchair accessible.
Added by Secrets of Life and Death Film S on October 15, 2009