Improving Career Mobility Leveraging Networking
Learn strategies to take Control of your career growth and ways to personally brand and position yourself for a better career or a current job search.
By now, most of us are aware of the ramifications of globalization and the "great Recession". What's good for American companies is not necessarily good for our economy. Many companies are flush with cash but are not hiring (here).
There are conditions that you have no control of (high unemployment, sovereign budget problems, the price of gasoline etc.).
But there are things that you can control.
You can control you and how you respond. The question most often asked in networking meetings and other venues is "What do you do?"
The typical answer to that question is a title or a recitation of what that person did. This answer is boring and forgettable. And the response usually does not answer the question.
Who are you? What makes you unique? What tools are you using to promote your brand? Still working in the old definition of "networking?" Is your solution relevant to today's economy?
Randy will discuss these questions and other topics such as the importance of being an SME (Subject matter expert), what it takes to be a thought leader, the portfolio career (multiple streams of income), the special work search challenge of being over the age of 50 (and what to do about it), what used to work to create revenue, what is working now and a peek into the future.
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Added by FullCalendar on March 27, 2011