Carden Hall Class of 1989 - 20 Year Reunion
Join your Carden Hall Class of 1989 classmates for a night of dinner and drinks in Orange County!
Event ticket includes:
- Dinner and wine by Onotria - Wine Country Cuisine (approximately $75.00)
Remaining ticket funds will go to:
- Event logistics and coordination
-A walk down memory lane with slide show, videos and/or photos, etc....
- Any remaining money will be donated to a local charity of the group's choice.
Need a place to stay? Go towww.burrwhite.com andcontact Aaron Batley
ataaron@burrwhite.comfor discounted rates.
Have old photos/videos that you'd like to be included in the slide show? Contact Jackie Clary
Hope to see you all there!
Organized by Carden Hall 1989 ReunionOrganizer: Danielle De Longe
Ticket Info: Carden Hall Reunion Event - June 13, 2009, $100.00
Official Website: http://cardenhall1989-upcoming.eventbrite.com