200 Redwood Shores Parkway
Redwood City, California 94065

Women in Consulting presents:

Capture More Sales Leads with Your Website

Fri, Feb 25, 8:30am-12:00pm, Redwood City

MORE INFO: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=80878

Capture More Sales Leads with Your Website
A Guide for Consultants
Presented by Rosemary Brisco, ToTheWeb, LLC

Business success lies in having your Website found. Sites that don't rank high enough in the search engines are invisible to potential customers. The process of 'search engine optimization,' done correctly, can guarantee that more qualified prospects will find you on the Web. However, generating leads is only the first step. You must capture their attention once they arrive at your homepage.

*Do you know your three key audiences and what they are looking for on your site?
*Have you provided compelling content that draws prospects to your site?
*Does your Website provide a clear 'call-to-action'?

Learn how to generate more leads, capture them, and convert them into sales at this exciting new seminar given by ToTheWeb's Rosemary Brisco.

What you will learn:
*How to research the most effective search phrases for your Website and for use in press releases.
*Techniques to ensure that your Website is search-engine friendly.
*How to capture prospects arriving at your Website.

Advanced Pricing through February 14, 2005
WIC Members - $95; Nonmember - $155

Pricing after February 14, 2005
WIC Members - $145; Nonmember - $205

Capture More Sales Leads with Your Website.
If you book by February 14, 2005, your Website may be selected as an example site during the seminar. After you register and if you would like to be considered, email your URL to Success@ToTheWeb.com.

Speaker BIO:
Rosemary Brisco, President of ToTheWeb, LLC. As president, Rosemary understands what it takes to transform a good Website into a great sales tool. Her philosophy is that building a successful Website is not only about design, it's about turning prospects into customers. To learn more, please visit: http://totheweb.com/about_rbrisco.html

Friday, February 25

Pacific Athletic Club
200 Redwood Shores Parkway
Redwood City, CA, 94065

$95-$155, depending on membership status.

Website: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=80878
Email: info@womeninconsulting.org
Phone: 866-428-5708

About Women in Consulting:
Women in Consulting is a non-profit affiliation of business consultants. Our dual mission is to provide companies seeking consultant talent with access to top tier consultants, and to provide a forum for consultants to share information and effectively manage and grow their consulting practice.

Added by nancytubbs on February 8, 2005

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