6675 Westwood Blvd, Suite 145
Orlando, Florida 32821

Using Adobe Captivate, you can capture screen shots on your computer and quickly turn them into eLearning lessons (movies). The lessons you create can be highly interactive--you can add images, captions, rollovers, clickable areas, typing areas and sound effects.

Course Outline:
Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.

- eLearning and Captivate -
As your class ramps up, you won't just learn how to start Captivate and click each tool, you'll begin the process of creating eLearning lessons from the ground up. You'll not only learn how to create effective eLearning, but whythose lessons will be effective.

eLearning Concepts
Planning eLearning Projects
Explore the Captivate Interface
Create and Manage Workspaces
Preview a Project
Use the Zoom Features

- Recording Demonstrations and Sims -
Recording your desktop actions is one of Captivate's key features... and you'll cover the hottest recording modes: demo, assessment, training and custom.

Rehearse a Script
Edit Recording Settings
Set Recording Keys
Record a Demonstration
Record an Assessment
Record a Training Simulation
Record a Custom Simulation

- Captions, Styles and Timing -
Once you've recorded your lessons, the real work begins. During these lessons, you will learn how to add text caption, set object styles and control the timing of slides objects.

Duplicate a Slide and Hide the Mouse
Insert, Resize and Move Text Captions
Modify Text Caption Properties
Edit the Default Caption Style
Reset an Object Style
Change an Object’s Position & Size
View the Timeline
Change a Slide’s Display Time
Use the Timeline to Set Object Display Times
Show/Hide Timeline Objects
Use the Properties Panel to Control Timing
Set Mouse Properties
Check Spelling
Align Slide Objects

- Images and Drawing Objects -
Adding images to your project will enhance the lesson. These lessons will teach you how to add images, maninpulate them and manage them.

Change Slide Background Quality
Insert and Delete Slides
Insert an Image
Set Image Size & Slide Position
Use the Library
Manage Unused Project Assets
Crop An Image
Create an Image Watermark
Control Image Timing and Transition
Work With Image Stacks
Add a Visual Click and Sound
Draw a Line

- Pointers, Buttons and Highlight Boxes -
If you've created a demonstration, that pesky mouse can sometimes have a mind of its own. You'll learn how to tame that wild mouse during these lessons. Then you'll learn how to add some basic interactivity to a lesson via buttons.

Modify the Mouse Pointer
Edit Slide and Object Display Times
Insert a Text Button
Set a Button’s Timing and Options
Work with Image Buttons
Insert and Format a Highlight Box
Rollovers and Zoom Areas
Insert a Rollover Caption
Insert a Rollover Image
Insert a Zoom Area
Insert and Format a Rollover Slidelet
Format the Rollover Area
Add a Caption and Image to a Rollover Area

- Audio -
eLearning lessons that contain voiceover audio and sound effects are more effective than lessons that don't... and that's just a fact! Learn how to add, edit and record audio during these lessons. And if that's not enough, you'll also learn how to convert Text-to-Speech, which is just cool!

Add Audio to a Slide Object
Add Background Audio
Add a Slide Note
Calibrate a Microphone
Record a Narration
Import Voice Narrations
Edit an Audio File
Insert Silence
Convert Text-to-Speech

- Flash Video, Animation & Effects -
In a word, Flash Video is cool! Learn how to add Flash Video to your eLearning lessons. There are lessons for adding Animation and special effects too.

Insert Flash Video
Set Flash Video Properties
Add Animation to a Slide
Insert Text Animation
Apply a Fly-In Effect to a Text Caption
Apply a ZigZag Motion Path

- Click and Text Entry Boxes -
Interacitve eLearning is generally thought to be more effective than passive demonstration videos. During these lessons, learn how to convert a demonstration video in a highly engaging, interactive affair.

Hide the Mouse
Replace Phrases
Insert a Click Box
Insert a Text Entry Box

- Introduction to Question Slides -
Captivate sports some robust quizzing tools. You'll learn how to setup, create and edit question slides.

Edit Quizzing Object Styles
Set the Quiz Preferences
Insert a Question Slide
Format a Question Slide
Add an Image to a Question Slide
Paste as Background

- Publishing -
No project is finished until it's published. Learn the best publishing format to use for the widest audience. Learn how to add a TOC to your lessons and the best settings for publishing to Flash (SWF).

Link to a Web Site
Apply a Skin
Edit and Save a Skin
Delete a Skin
Create a TOC
Add a Loading Screen
Publish a Flash (SWF)
Publish Word Handouts
Export Captions
Perform a “Round Trip”

Contact: Cari Jones, Corporate Account Manager
Email: CariJ@fmctraining.com
Phone: 407-354-4866

Official Website: http://www.fmctraining.com/fmc.asp?v=Adobe&g=Captivate&i=963

Added by Fmc-Orlando on October 25, 2011

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