On February 3rd, FICA-DC along with FICA-Baltimore & FICA-Philadelphia will be hosting its annual Rodathon Fundraiser.
The Rodathon is a 7 hour Capoeira Angola roda in which participants are sponsored by friends, family, co-workers, random do-gooders, and others to complete as much of the roda as they can. Usually, participants are sponsored by the hour or given a lump sum. All funds go to support the Women's Conference that will take place in March.
The fun starts at 9 am and goes til 4. All are welcome, sponsored as well as non-sponsored capoeiristas. We'll have a little party afterwards.
Official Website: http://ficadc.blogspot.com/2007/12/rodathon-2008-details-pledge-form.html
Added by jeffschuler on December 17, 2007