Firefly fans gather for a showing of "Serenity" and "Done the Impossible"
In 2006, Browncoats in 47 cities around the world answered the call to hold "Can't Stop The Serenity" events. By holding screenings of Joss Whedon's film "Serenity" they raised over $65,000 for the women's rights advocacy group Equality Now. The goal for 2007 is to hold events in over 50 cities across the globe in late June, raising over $100,000 in donations.
$12.50 a ticket
Or package deals to retain title of Companion, Big Damn Hero... and what have you.
Official Website:
Added by John_Buckingham on May 9, 2007
eeep! just noticed also that the address is wrong. the even it taking place at The Portage Theater which is on Milwaukee, Irving Park Rd and Cicero (six corners).
shiny! glad to see a posting for this here.
just to clarify on the price - tickets are $12.50 in advance - $15 cash only at the door.