Masonic Place, off Goldsmith St
Nottingham, England

From Wikipedia:
Cansei de Ser Sexy (Portuguese for I'm Tired of Being Sexy), also known as CSS, is a Brazilian band from São Paulo, where they benefited from unprecedent levels of hype on local newspapers and TV channels. The group mixes influences of Electro-Rock and other kinds of art, like design, cinema and fashion, putting the blend in humorous lyrics in English and Portuguese. The band is notorious for their emphasis on style, fashion and coolness (for 'coolness', see 'NME appeal' and ego), rather than musical ambitions. Their broken English compositions are sung with a strong Brazilian accent, which the fans say just adds a special appeal to the band.

Plus special guests, 18+, tickets £9.55 plus P&P and booking fee

Official Website:

Added by katemonkey on December 29, 2006



If only CSS were playing in San Francisco.


Note to prospective attendees: according to the Notingham Evening Post this show is sold out so check ticket availability before travelling.