***Please read the following notes before registering your child(ren).***
If you plan to volunteer for all 5 days, go to the adult volunteer registration page FIRST. Then you'll have the discountcode you need when you return to this page to register your children.
All children who are 4 years old (by September 1st) through rising 6th graders are welcome to attend! Younger children are welcome if their parents volunteer that week. They will attend a "mini-VBS" in our nursery with Mrs. Janet.
If you have a child younger than 4, please DO NOT use this registration form. Simply indicate your need for child care on the adult volunteer registration form.
We divide the children into groups according to thegrade they will enter in the fall:
Rising K-2
Rising 3-5
Rising 6th
Organized by Cannon United Methodist ChurchCannon Church exists to Glorify God, Build Believers, and Minister to the Community in order to Make A Difference for Jesus Christ.
Ticket Info: Child's Registration, $30.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/289741625/upcoming