3500 E. Colorado bl
pasadena, California 91109

What you can expect to learn in the live seminar:

Starting a business in cannabis:
If you would like to start a Marijuana Dispensary, Non-Profit Collective, Marijuana Delivery Service, Marijuana Co-op and Marijuana Grow Operation, these classes are for you. Learn from expert lawyers that help people start Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and Non-Profit Medical Marijuana Collectives everyday. (Seminars in other states cover that state's medical marijuana laws).

Objective #1: State Specific Medical Marijuana Laws & Operator Requirements to Start a Business
Objective#2: Decide what type of business to start, compare different types of careers.
Objective #3: Create step-by-step plan to start your business.

Marijuana business licenses.
Marijuana business permits and other marijuana business paper work needed.
Where is the best locations to open your business.
What to write and what not to write on business application and where to go.
Not for Profit, "C" Corporation and Non-profit Mutual Benefit Corporation options.
Difference between Medical Marijuana Business and Agricultural Marijuana Business.
We'll answer the question "How will I make money if it's a non-profit?"
How to facilitate transactions.
Bookkeeping and paying taxes.
General Liability Insurance to cover your business and crop.
Merchant account services for your business.
Pros and Cons of retail, delivery and grow operations.
Advertising strategies.
How much money is needed to start.

You will also get (all forms are necessary to run your business):

California Non-Profit Collective form (you need this to get in business).
Marijuana Collective "Membership Agreement".
"Authorization to Transport" medical marijuana.
"Authorization to Cultivate" medical marijuana.

Official Website: http://420college.org

Added by georgegrimes33 on May 7, 2012