36 Battery Place/Batery Park City
New York City, New York 10280

Candles and Cocktails - In Celebration of the first night of Hanukkah!

Enjoy Wine Tasting, Open Bar, Food, and Museum Tours
Featuring Music by Fisherman's Xylophonic Orchestra
Tuesday, December 7, 2004, 7 PM at the Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
36 Battery Place in Battery Park City, NY

Ticket price: $60
Young Friend Member price: $45

For more information, please call 646.437.4321, or email: brosenthal@mjhnyc.org
To pay by mail, please make check payable to: Museum of Jewish Heritage Attention: Beth Rosenthal,36 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280


Added by MJH on November 10, 2004

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