235 2nd Street
San Francisco, California 94105

We are going to pull this one back as I think everyone is on conference overload right now (including me). We will reconvene once we have rejuiced our batteries. Cheers!


Ask an Expert is an event where people who want to help others do or learn something offer their services to the members of the community for a very small fee. All the money collected will be donated to the Creative Commons (http://www.creativecommons.org).

Some examples of what might be offered include: how to setup a blog, how to get the most from shortcuts in Photoshop, configure a Drupal community, redesign a Web site, customize a WordPress theme, create a survey, optimize AdSense ads, figure out tagging, how to shoot better photographs or just about anything really - even non-technical things like how to write a press release. Ideally this will happen in one on one exchanges, but it could be a project with a couple of people involved that needs the expertise or perhaps a team of people who are offering their expertise.

Offer your expertise at http://rentanexpert.pbwiki.com/Offer%20your%20expertise.

Is there something you are dying to learn? Put it here http://rentanexpert.pbwiki.com/request%20expertise.

Please register on the wiki at http://rentanexpert.pbwiki.com/RegisterOnWiki.

We would like to thank our sponsors, CNET and Mindjet, for their support of all things BrainJams / Social Media Club. We wouldn't turn down anyone else wishing to throw a few bones our way. We do intend to provide snacks and drinks, so a little more support will go a long way.

If you have any questions, shoot me an email at kristie [at] brainjams [dot] org. Hope to see you there!

Official Website: http://rentanexpert.pbwiki.com

Added by kristiewells on August 25, 2006



Unfortunately I now need to be in New York, but know you'll be ok in Kristie's hands.


Yay for rejuicing!


aww too bad


We are working on another one - so stay tuned!