UPDATE: The DC Drupal meetup on Feb 8 has been canceled on account of the snowpocalypse. The tentative date for the next meetup is Monday, March 8. Enjoy the snow!
The next DC Drupal meetup will be on Monday, February 8, at 7:00 pm at Stetson's. These meetups are a great chance to get to know the local Drupal community, talk with other developers, and learn about what's being done and what's possible with Drupal. Everyone is welcome to attend.
We'll follow our usual format of gathering at the upstairs bar at 7:00 pm for drinks and kicking off the formal part of the meetup at 7:30 with introductions. We'll follow that with five minute lightning talks where we open up the floor to anyone who'd like to talk - for five minutes or less - on something Drupal related, like a module, a website that recently launched on Drupal, or a Drupal-related question. If you want to present, just post about it in the comments at http://groups.drupal.org/node/48096 and come ready to talk. You'll have access to a flatscreen TV, but not to the internet.
More details are available at http://groups.drupal.org/node/48096. Hope to see you there!
Official Website: http://groups.drupal.org/node/48096
Added by bonniebogle on February 2, 2010