The next Canberra IA Cocktail Hour is Thursday 22 May 2008.
Caronne Carruthers-Taylor is going to be speaking on Protoyping with Axure 5. This new release of Axure brings version control, shared masters and some other features - and also some issues to consider for those thinking of making the upgrade.
The second speaking slot is free for a case study - if you have worked on or are working on an interesting project in the IA/UXD/UCD/IS/web community spaces and would like to present on it for 15 minutes please get in touch with Andrew Boyd at [facibus AT gmail DOT com].
Those who are interested are welcome to join us afterwards for an informal dinner in Manuka/Kingston.
Time: 17:30-19:00
Day/Date: Thursday 22 May 2008
Venue: Stamford Interactive
Level 1
301 Canberra Avenue (right near Officeworks)
Please RSVP to [facibus AT gmail DOT com] as soon as possible for catering purposes.
Official Website:
Added by RuthEllison on May 20, 2008