The next Canberra IA Cocktail Hour is Thursday 24 April 2008.
It’s going to be hard to follow up the fantastically thought provoking, engaging and informative Cocktail Hour in March—thanks to Donna and Stuart for some great presentations.
But Jessica Enders, Director of Formulate Information Design, is never afraid of a challenge and is going to do her best to entertain and educate with an interactive session on transforming an existing paper form into an electronic medium.
Those who are interested are welcome to join us afterwards for an informal dinner in Dickson.
Time: 17:30-19:00
Day/Date: Thursday 24 April 2008
Venue: Eureka Strategic Research
Level 1
55 Wooley Street
(above Zeffirelli’s)
Please RSVP to [facibus AT gmail DOT com] as soon as possible for catering purposes.
Official Website:
Added by RuthEllison on April 16, 2008