812 East Rollins Street
Orlando, Florida 32803

Repeats on May 19, 20, 22, 24, 25 and 26, 2012.
Created by Sandrine Lafond
Directed by John Turner of Mump&Smoot
Physical Theater/Dance/Clown/Bouffon.

The transformation of Cirque Du Soleil performer and Celine Dion dancer to performer generated theater artist is mirrored in this dark, comic and at times grotesque fable about our modern obsession with image. The exquisite movement skills of Lafond juxtapose with the world of distortion and manipulation accentuating LITTLE LADY’s tormented and blissful metamorphosis.

Composer: Yves Frula.
Video and photography: Paolo Santos
Make up: Elisabeth Lehoux
Seamstress: Marie laure Larrieu and Nelly Rogerson
Assisted by: John Stone

702) 292 0472

Sandrine was born in France where she started dancing at five years old. She attended the prestigious Rosella Hightower Dance School in Cannes. A gypsy at heart she traveled from one country to another to study new ways of interpreting her art. Then eighteen years ago she fell in love with Montreal and its cultural scene. From that point on; the North American continent became her home, and the rest of the world her playground.

Sandrine has had the pleasure to work with Cirque du Soleil (Delirium, Kooza, Zarkana, special events), Celine Dion (A New Day), Marie Chouinard (Etude Poignante, The Right Of Spring, The cry of the world, Chopin) and Philippe Decoufle (1992 Olympic Games opening ceremony) and many other talented friends along the way.

Her desire to break new ground brought her to Japan to study with Butoh master Min Tanaka and back home to Canada to study clown with director John Turner of Mump & Smoot, Francine Cote and bouffon with Karen Hines of Pochsy fame.

Filled with that knowledge she felt the need to create her own work, which gave life to the character “Little Lady”. A personal reflection on the six years of her life in Las Vegas. Sandrine won the CAFF (Fringe lottery) 2012 and will be performing all year across the North American continent to end her tour in September in Vancouver.

For full bio please visit her website: www.sandrinelafond.com

Added by Georgette Pepper on May 15, 2012

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