"Energy Security and Climate Change:
A Canada-U.S. Common Approach?"
The Henry T. King, Jr. Annual Conference has served as the premier forum for addressing the issues confronting the Canada-U.S. relationship. For nearly three decades, the annual conference has united members of the respective governments, corporate leaders, legal practitioners, scholars, and the media in one forum to address issues from security and trade, to energy and the environment. Along the way, the event has fostered the development of longstanding professional linkages and personal friendships on each side of the border.
This year's conference will address the Canada-US energy relationship.
It is the only event that will:
Examine the relationship from a bi-national perspective;
Provide a comprehensive review of all sectors;
Examine policy implications at the federal, state, and provincial levels;
Discuss funding initiatives that will assist companies in securing the capital needed to develop these projects.
For more information, go to http://cusli.org/conferences/annual/annual_2011/index.html
Added by sapt42 on April 4, 2011