CUSBC Annual Economic Luncheon
Earl Sweet, Managing Director, Economic Research BMO Capital Markets will be the keynote speaker at our annual economic luncheon. His topic will be Economic & Financial Market Prospects and Risks.
Earl Sweet has more than 25 years experience applying economics to the busi-ness planning and strategy development processes at large financial institutions.
He oversees analysis of financial services markets and industry and country risk. His group publishes BMO Capital Market's monthly report, The Goods, which highlights recent developments and forecasts for several commodities. He is par-ticularly responsible for analysis of crude oil and natural gas markets.
Earl received his graduate degree in Economics at the London School of Eco-nomics (M.Sc.). Prior to joining BMO Financial Group in 1996, he held positions at the University of London, the OECD, the Executive MBA program at Concordia University, and at another Canadian financial services institution. His research interests include industry performance and risk, business and credit cycles, and financial and energy modeling.
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Added by CHCGODuke on February 6, 2013