7801 N Lamar Bldg C Suite 51
Austin, Texas 78752

"AUSTIN, April 1, 2010 CANA Gallery announces its Grand Opening celebration taking place Saturday, May 1 from 4-6 p.m. Located in central Austin at 7801 North Lamar, Bldg. C-53 on the southeast corner of North Lamar and Research Blvd., the gallery will exhibit Christian-based art in a variety of media from custom-made jewelry, paintings, and textiles and the current showing, Sacred Christian Silks.
For the first time in Austin you can view and purchase sacred places from around the world printed on silk, said Powell, creative director. The silks are available for around $70, and they feature Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris, St. Pauls Cathedral, Lincolns Church, or one of several other beautiful designs that you can either display or wear. Special giveaways to celebrate Easter, Secretary and Mothers Day will happen.
Christian art dates back to the third century, where artists presented images that drew the spectator into the inner eye of the work, pointing to its spiritual significance. This art movement was not so much an expression of beauty, but a transmission of faith and beliefs. These silks teach us about the Christian faith, and they are gorgeous as well, added Powell. You will find the blend of fashion and art powerful.
CANA Gallery, hosted by the not-for-profit, Christian Aunts and Uncles, Inc. is now open Monday-Friday 2-7 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. For more information about the art on display or the Grand Opening event call 512-538-8838 or email canagallery@auntsanduncles.org. Individuals or groups are welcome."

Official Website: http://www.auntsanduncles.org

Added by mblast.vteams on April 28, 2010

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