Let's get outta town and hit some nature.
All info will be on the wiki.
NOT associated with foocamp
Official Website: http://campcamptahoe.pbwiki.com/FrontPage
Added by minjungkim on April 5, 2006
so is this combined with Heel?
what's the latest plan? It sounds kinda like WineCamp Day 1 (but with showers). Ah, I see it's now updated with new dates, amazingly without a pre-scheduled conflict for me! Tempting...
But how are people supposed to use the campsite wi-fi all weekend if there are no outlets?
PS. This would be more of the unconference's unconference.
In otherwords, it's just a bunch of dorky friends trying to dork out about all things *non* web2.9 ish..
I'm all about the offline dorkery. Count me in!
imma bring an ACOUSTIC guitar, methinks.
I'm still bringing a tent. Also, I'm hereby volunteering to be the camp's cook (and hope to spend the day foraging for delicious natural vittles and maybe trying to catch a fish or three).
I'm totally there.... I've been wanting to do this for sooo long.
I wonder if Tantek will be in dual laptop withdrawl!?
It's freakin' Miller Time. I am bringing the MGD, because it wouldn't be camping without a case of MGD, now would it?
need a ride. will bring some liquor and mixers. i can also bring board games.
Besides the fact that they list the title of the listing with "Chicks Dig it" I think this is the place we're going to go with.
I can drive and take 3 with me.
Will bring s'mores and s'more related alcoholic beverages. And some veggie stuff to grill. Will hopefully be sitting in someone's back seat. :)
Screw the web stuff, or even relaxing, we will have the Red Neck Special Olympics (RNSO). You must be drunk to participate ;-) Since I am the king of this event, I will most likely be drunk, so I will need to catch a ride with someone ;D
I am definitely in, thanks MJ for doing the grunt work. I'll need a ride too, do we have too many riders vs. drivers already?
More drivers would definitely help as it looks like we have more riders as of yet. Rent a van? Or is that nutcase.
Come *on* someone else has got to have car?
SO that's like for 12 bodies so far.
In and able to drive, I think.
George/Eric: Can I put you guys in charge of the eastbay pickups?
I will coordinate SF Pickups at Casa Arguello. I'm guessing friday night leaving at around 7:30 and a late night pickup to go at 10:00?
A saturday leave group as well is what i'm expecting ish...
Maybe I should get a wiki up...
I'll need a ride if I'm going.
Can I go?
Yes Jeff, you can totally come along!
I live in Oakland and can take three close-by folk up.
great name. I'd say skip anywhere that has electrical outlets!